Purchase your SAP B1 in the cloud!

Our Partner – Skyone is based in different Geographies

Skyone Map for kabeer partnership

Why migrate my SAP B1 to the cloud?

Infrastructure maintained by SAP experts

  • Creation of environments and databases
  • SAP support in data loading
  • Secure, high-performance virtualization installation
  • Configuration of everything according to the best
    practices and cybersecurity tools.

High-level security

  • Multiple layers of authentication to increase security
  • Daily Backups retained in multiple datacenters
  • Cybersecurity management, with regular investigations

Predictable costs

  • Simple monthly fee
  • No unexpected costs
  • Cost per user

24×7 Support

We are ready to meet your business needs anytime, anywhere, and in any time zone!

Cloud x on premise – What is the difference?

What is the current Cost of your Infrastructure

Do you know how much you spend per month with an on-premises infrastructure? And per year? Have you ever stopped to think about costs you don’t see?

Maybe you think that when you buy a local server, you won’t have any running expenses, but that’s where you are wrong.

There are additional expenses that you may not be considering, such as being hacked. To recover your data, you will have to pay for this service.

Kabeer Consulting Partners with Skyone

And how do we implement your SAP in the cloud? Well, it’s very simple: Kabeer Consulting has chosen Skyone as a partner for complementary technologies to SAP, seeking to further enhance the experience of its clients. By opting for this strategic partnership, the company aims to offer integrated solutions that not only meet the specific demands of SAP but also encompass quality infrastructure, providing its clients with Skyone platform solutions.

Skyone is a company dedicated to simplifying the routine and boosting the productivity of its clients and partners, eliminating growth obstacles and providing unlimited scalability for any business. Its unified platform encompasses vital aspects, including cloud computing, data, cybersecurity, and a marketplace full of possibilities. The reliability of the Skyone platform is backed by nine out of ten clients, with 80% of them being leaders in their segments in Brazil.

The partnership with Skyone focuses on Cloud Computing, and through it, we provide a variety of options for our clients.
With Skyone it is possible to migrate our clients to the cloud in a totally secure and automated way, using multiple data centers from public cloud providers. It’s a multi cloud offering.

About Skyone

Get to know all the modules of Skyone Platform

Cloud Computing Logo

Cloud Computing

Data Logo


Cybersecurity Logo


Marketplace Logo


Explore Kabeer’s Success with Skyone with our Global CEO of
Kabeer Consulting Group – Dilip Sadh

Let’s Make Things Happen!

We integrate all your data and use automation and intelligent methodologies to find a fresh lease of solutions for SAP for small businesses and mid-size businesses.

“The team at Kabeer Consulting Group is delivers effective solutions with our proven information technology”

Dilip Sadh

Founder & CEO, Kabeer Consulting Group

Dilip Sadh
Kabeer Consulting Group
Global SAP Partner

+1 973 885 7245 (USA)

+91 9818 007 155 (India)

+234 805 514 2206 (Nigeria)

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