Returnable Transport Packaging – RTP Management Addon for SAP B1

RTP Addon for SAP B1


Kabeer is pleased to introduce an RTP Management Addon for SAP B1 ERP software that is both simple and affordable. Kabeer is offering a limited period offer on Returnable Transport Packaging Addon for SAP Business One customers.

In a world where efficiency is key, the SAP RTP Management Add-on stands as a beacon of streamlined operations, ensuring that no returnable transport packaging item is ever lost in the shuffle.

The SAP RTP Management Add-on is a comprehensive solution that caters to all aspects of returnable transport packaging management.

RTP Addon for SAP B1

Why Kabeer Has Developed Returnable Transport Packaging (RTP) Management Addon

The benefits of using this add-on are manifold. Not only does it simplify the process of transport packaging management, but it also helps in reducing losses, saving resources, and making informed decisions.

By keeping all this in view, Kabeer has developed this Add-on as It’s a tool that brings efficiency, control, and ease to the complex world of returnable transport packaging management.

Key features of the SAP B1 RTP Management Addon

Real-time Tracking
Efficient Management
Scheduled Maintenance
Detailed Reporting
integrated invoicing

Functions of Returnable Transport Packaging Addon for SAP B1

Item Master

Defining Returnable Transport Packing (RTP) item in Item Master Data record. RTP’s are Inventory Items

Linking RTP Master & FG Item Master data

Configuration & mapping of RTP Items for FG Items Parameters

RTP Determination during A/R Invoice

Automatic determination of RTP items & Stock transfer of RTP Items will be added automatically.

Inventory Transfer document for RTP Items

  • Inventory Transfer document get created automatically from A/R Invoice & Link to A/R Invoice
  • Transfer will happen from Warehouse RTP –IN to RTP-RGP

RTP Status Report

RTP Statement report for daily RTP inward Outward transactions

Watch the Video of the RTP Add-on

Kabeer has developed 60+ Add-ons, few of them are

Quality Check Add-on
Bar / QR Code & Scanning Add-on
Digital Signature
Production Addon for SAP B1
Production Addon
E-Invoice & E-Way Bill
Budget Add-on
Vendor Rating Add-on
Job Work Addon for SAP B1
Job Work Add-on
Master Data Approval Add-on
Returnable Transport Packaging Add-on
Metal Industry Add-on
Milk Processing Add-on
Dairy Industry Add-on
Rebates & Incentive Add-on
Gate Entry Add-on
Hospital Management Add-on
Meat Industry Add-on
Foreign Trade Add-on
Enterprise Property management Add-on

Web Applications

HRM Application
Sales & Store Management
Vendor Self Service
Dealer Management System
Salesforce Management System
Service Management Application

Let’s Make Things Happen!

We integrate all your data and use automation and intelligent methodologies to find a fresh lease of solutions for SAP for small businesses and mid-size businesses.

“The team at Kabeer Consulting Group is delivers effective solutions with our proven information technology”

Dilip Sadh

Founder & CEO, Kabeer Consulting Group

Dilip Sadh
Kabeer Consulting Group
Global SAP Partner

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