SAP B1 Job Work Process Addon

Salesforce Management System for SAP B1

Enhance customer experience with our SAP B1 Salesforce Management System, the ultimate SAP Business One ERP solution.

Salesforce Management System for SAP Business One

Customer Self Service Portal for SAP B1

Introduction of Salesforce Management System

Imagine a world where every customer holds the key to their own queries and solutions. In today’s fast-paced digital environment, the power of self-service is not just convenient; it’s essential.

Enter the realm of the SAP Salesforce Management System, a web-based product designed to revolutionize how businesses interact with their clients. This sophisticated tool is more than just a portal; it’s a gateway to enhanced customer satisfaction and streamlined operations.

At its core, the SAP Salesforce Management System empowers customers by providing them with immediate access to the information and services they need, without the necessity of human intervention. This autonomy not only boosts customer satisfaction but also allows businesses to allocate their human resources more effectively.

Why Kabeer has developed Salesforce Management System

  • The SAP Salesforce Management System stands out as a pivotal tool in the digital landscape.
  • It enhances customer autonomy, reduces strain on customer service teams, and provides a customizable platform that aligns with specific business needs.
  • Through this portal, businesses not only meet the expectations of the modern consumer but set new standards in customer engagement and satisfaction.

By keeping this all in view Kabeer Consulting Group Developed Salesforce Management System to help your organization to run smoothly

Customer Self Service Portal for SAP B1

Key features of the SAP B1 Salesforce Management System

Account Management and Transparency
Knowledge Base and Operational Efficiency
Service Request Functionality and Communication
Customizability for Business Needs

Functions of SAP B1 Salesforce Management System

Admin Login:

User Master
  • When the Admin User Login in the Salesforce Management System
  • In the administrator tab for User Master create or update by the Admin User
Reset Password
  • When the Admin user login in the Salesforce Management System
  • In the administrator tab for resetting passwords created or Updated by the admin user
Assign Permission
  • In the administrator tab for Assign permission have full authorization by the admin user
Warehouse Master

In the Master tab for Warehouse Master see all the Masters by Admin User

Item Master

In the Master tab for Item Master see all the masters by Admin User

Customer Master

In the Master Tab For the Customer Master list see all the masters by admin user

Document Series

In the Master Tab for Document Series create or update by Admin User

Customer Master

In the master tab for Customer Master or update by Admin User

Credit Sales

In the transaction tab for Credit Sales Create or update by admin user

Receipt Of Payment

In the transaction tab for Receipt of Payment Create or update by admin user

Sales Return

In the transaction tab for Sales Return Create or update by admin user

Cash Sales and Payment

In the transaction tab for Cash Sales and Payment Create or update by admin user

Stock Transfer Request

In the transaction tab for Stock Transfer Request create or update by admin user

Stock Transfer Receipt

In the transaction tab for Stock Transfer Receipt create or update by admin user

Sales Employee Login:

Change Password

In the Administrator tab for Change Password update by Sales employee user

Reset Password

In the Administrator tab for Reset Password not updated by Sales Employee user only administrator user reset the password

Warehouse Master

In the Master Tab for Warehouse Master only seen by Sales Employee user

Item Master

In the Master Tab for the Item Master list only seen by Sales Employee User

Customer Master

In the Master Tab for Customer Master List only seen by Sales Employee User

Credit Sales

In the Transaction Tab for Credit Sales create or Sales Employee user

Receipt of Payment

In the transaction tab for Receipt of Payment or Sales Employee user

Sales Return

In the transaction tab for Sales Return or Sales Employee user

Cash Sales and Payment

In the transaction tab for Cash Sales and Payment or Sales Employee user

Stock Transfer Request

In the transaction tab for Stock Transfer Request or Sales Employee user

Stock Transfer Receipt

In the transaction tab for Stock Transfer Receipt or Sales Employee user

End of the Day

In the transaction tab for End of the Day or Sales Employee user

Credit Sales Report

In this tab The Sales Employee User can download Credit Sales Report

Payment Received Report

In this tab The Sales Employee User can download Payment Received Report

Sales Return Report

In this tab, The Sales Employee User can download the Sales Return Report

Cash Sales Payment Report

The Sales Employee User can download the Cash Sales Payment Report

Complete Transaction Report

The Sales Employee User can download the Complete Transaction Report

Stock Movement Report

The Sales Employee User can download the Stock Movement Report

Kabeer has developed 60+ Add-ons, few of them are

Quality Check Add-on
Bar / QR Code & Scanning Add-on
Digital Signature
Production Addon for SAP B1
Production Addon
E-Invoice & E-Way Bill
Budget Add-on
Vendor Rating Add-on
Job Work Addon for SAP B1
Job Work Add-on
Master Data Approval Add-on
Returnable Transport Packaging Add-on
Metal Industry Add-on
Milk Processing Add-on
Dairy Industry Add-on
Rebates & Incentive Add-on
Gate Entry Add-on
Hospital Management Add-on
Meat Industry Add-on
Foreign Trade Add-on
Enterprise Property management Add-on

Web Applications

HRM Application
Sales & Store Management
Vendor Self Service
Dealer Management System
Salesforce Management System
Service Management Application

Let’s Make Things Happen!

We integrate all your data and use automation and intelligent methodologies to find a fresh lease of solutions for SAP for small businesses and mid-size businesses.

“The team at Kabeer Consulting Group is delivers effective solutions with our proven information technology”

Dilip Sadh

Founder & CEO, Kabeer Consulting Group

Dilip Sadh
Kabeer Consulting Group
Global SAP Partner

+1 973 885 7245 (USA)

+91 9818 007 155 (India)

+234 805 514 2206 (Nigeria)

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